Marco Grasso

Marco Grasso has a genuine passion for nature and wildlife, subjects which offer him an unlimited source of inspiration. He was born in Cuneo in the Italian Alps, and educated at the Academy of Arts in Florence, but it was his many expeditions to some of the most extraordinary places on earth that ignited his desire to recreate the wonder and diversity of life and to reflect on its majestic beauty.

Marco is interested in the anatomical and behavioural aspects of the subjects he paints, and he seeks to always remain true them and to paint with authenticity, but at the same time, he wants his art to be expressive and emotional; beneath the surface of these stunning paintings there is another layer of meaning to be discovered.

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Marco Grasso Biography

Marco chooses subjects that reflect aspects of the human psyche, perhaps an idea that interests him, or sometimes something more connected to his own state of mind. He explains: “I may use a roaring tiger as a way to convey a sense of rage and hunger, but also a storm of creative passion. A lion or elephant might represent a wise and composed demeanour. I don’t have a strict rule but I seek out subjects that connect with my state of mind.”

The creature he chooses to paint the most often is the tiger. For Marco, these powerful images represent the hunger and fire of youth that he relates to at this stage of his own life. Some of them are dark and have a melancholic beauty, while others are light and full of hope, but all of them convey some element of the artist’s own story. While there are no clear and distinct references to life events, the observer can relate to the emotional power of the image and connect to it.

Marco’s work could be described as hyperrealist, even though he tends towards slightly looser brushstrokes on occasion, and cites several American wildlife artists amongst his greatest influences. He prepares the ground for each composition by reading about and studying the species he intends to portray, in combination with expeditions to study their behaviour in the field, and he uses his vast library of personal photographs and sketches throughout as reference material.

In 2016 the young Marco was shortlisted for a prestigious Italian national art prize “Desegna la Natura”, organised by the Associazione Italiana Turismo Naturalistico and the magazine Oasism and two years later he became a member of AIPAN (the Italian Association for Naturalistic Art). He has exhibited at Venaria Reale and the Museo Orto Botanico in Rome, and in 2019 held his first successful solo exhibition at the Museo Casa Galimberti and has worked in partnership with AMANO who represent such luxury brands as Louis Vuitton and Montblanc.

The most significant connections for him however are those involved with wildlife and conservation. As well as being an associate member of the Society of Animal Artists, he is a signature member of Artists for Conservation, the prestigious organisation of artists in support of the environment, and his work has been selected for their touring exhibition in the US and Canada. He was awarded the Medal of Excellence and one of his pieces, Thanatos, was selected as a centrepiece for their 2021 marketing.

“I strive to faithfully represent the complexity, richness and beauty of the natural world while also conveying my personal experiences and thoughts.”

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